Personal Injury Blog

Can I Sue the Truck Driver's Trucking Company for My Injuries?

Because of the massive size of the big rigs out there, truck accidents are some of the deadliest on our roadways, and the losses you experience as a result can be immense. Trucking companies are responsible for hiring safe, reliable truck drivers who have the necessary experience and licensure and for implementing and enforcing the rules and regulations necessary to promote safe trucking. When they fail to do so, dangerous accidents can ensue.

If you’ve been injured by a truck driver’s negligence, you can sue the trucking company for the physical, financial, and emotional losses you experience, and a dedicated New Jersey truck accident attorney can help.

The Truck Driver

Truck drivers shoulder considerable responsibility when it comes to driving safely, and every form of driver negligence is amplified behind the wheel of a semi, including:

If you’ve been injured because of a truck driver’s negligence, it’s time to consult with a trusted truck accident attorney.

Your Losses

The losses – or legal damages – you face as a result of a truck accident that was caused by a truck driver’s negligence can include all the following:

Your Truck Accident Claim

You will very likely file your truck accident claim with the trucking company of the at-fault truck driver. Because truck drivers are generally employed by trucking companies, their insurance coverage flows from the companies that hire them. While you can expect robust coverage, you can also expect the insurance company – being a for-profit enterprise – to do what it can to keep your settlement as low as possible. Your focused truck accident attorney, however, has the experience and legal insight to zealously advocate for a claim resolution that fairly addresses your losses in their entirety.

Taking Your Case to Court

If the trucking company’s insurance provider refuses to engage in fair negotiations that protect your legal rights, we will take all the necessary steps to get you the justice you deserve and handle every aspect of the case including a trial. Scott Leonard is a board-certified civil trial attorney and has successfully handled truck crash cases throughout New Jersey for over 26 years.

An Experienced New Jersey Truck Accident Attorney Can Help

The accomplished New Jersey truck accident attorneys at Leonard Legal Group have a wide range of impressive experience guiding complex claims like yours to obtain the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Learn more about what we can do to help by reaching out and contacting or calling us at 973-984-1414 today.