Personal Injury Blog

How Do You Treat a Trauma Injury?

Traumatic or trauma injuries refer to physical and psychological injuries that can be minor to life changing. These can cause minor symptoms to long-term complications that may require costly long-term or even lifelong rehabilitation and medical treatment, depending on the severity and exact nature of the injury.

At Leonard Legal Group, our New Jersey personal injury lawyers have helped numerous clients obtain financial compensation to cover the cost of treating their trauma injuries. If you were injured due to someone else’s negligence or intentional acts, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Common Types of Physical Trauma Injuries

Physical trauma results from various penetrating or blunt injuries. Blunt trauma usually results from falls, motor vehicle accidents, burns, assaults and other violent crimes, construction injuries, pedestrian accidents, and recreational or sporting accidents, among others. Penetrative trauma typically results from falling onto sharp objects, stabbing, and shooting. Common types of physical trauma injuries are:

Trauma Injuries Can Be Psychological in Nature Too

Psychological trauma comes in three major types:

  1. Acute Trauma is usually caused by a single incident, such as a car crash.
  2. Chronic trauma is caused by prolonged and repeated events, such as abuse or domestic violence.
  3. Complex trauma is due to being exposed to multiple and varied traumatic incidents. For example, trauma from a car crash or violent crime and the long-term consequences and multiple treatments required to treat the initial trauma injury.

Whether you are suffering from acute, complex, or chronic post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), you will need the proper tools and treatments to heal, which could take months or years, depending on the severity of your trauma.

Treatment for Trauma Injuries Can Be Immensely Expensive

Simple trauma injuries may only require minor treatments, while more severe injuries will require emergency help from a team of doctors, such as orthopedic surgeons, anesthesiologists, neurosurgeons, and others, to properly diagnose and treat the injuries. Such injuries may require extensive testing, prompt surgical intervention, and hospitalization to lower the possibility of death or disabilities. In many cases, physical therapy and home care will also be needed for proper recovery.

If you’ve sustained a trauma injury, you might face various challenges, such as chronic pain, expensive medical bills, emotional distress, disability, and inability to work. This is why cases involving trauma injuries are complicated and require the knowledge and experience of a New Jersey personal injury lawyer with the skills and resources to handle such cases. They can investigate and determine the cause of your injury, estimate the value of your losses, and seek damages on your behalf, whether through negotiations with the liable party or in a trial.

Talk to a Skilled New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer Now

The New Jersey personal injury lawyers at Leonard Legal Group understand the challenges you’re facing due to a trauma injury and are dedicated to pursuing the compensation you need to cover all your injury-related losses. Arrange your free consultation with our New Jersey personal injury lawyer by reaching us online or calling 973-984-1414.