Personal Injury Blog

Do I File a Lawsuit Against The Driver or The Company in a Rideshare Accident?

Whether you have the option of suing the driver or the rideshare company in a crash involving a rideshare driver will depend on the specific circumstances of your situation. Filing a lawsuit against a rideshare company, such as Lyft or Uber, isn’t generally necessary following a crash because you may be entitled to recover compensation through their liability insurance policy.

Lyft and Uber drivers have liability insurance coverage that may cover their passengers, pedestrians, and other motorists in crashes they cause. When you’re eligible for this coverage would depend on the status of the rideshare driver when the crash occurred. Put simply, you may be able to pursue compensation from the driver’s rideshare company-provided policy and avoid heading to trial. 

Can I Sue The At-Fault Rideshare Driver?

Anyone, whether a rideshare passenger, pedestrian, or another motorist who has been injured in a rideshare accident due to the rideshare driver’s negligent actions, can file a claim to recoup financial compensation. In addition, if the injured party’s injuries and losses meet the state’s requirements regarding the extent and nature of an injury needed to justify a lawsuit, they can sue the negligent rideshare driver.

Can I Sue The Rideshare Company?

One way to sue the rideshare company is to prove that it acted negligently, and its negligent actions directly caused the crash and your injuries. Such cases are generally founded on negligent hiring practices, negligent retention of inexperienced or dangerous drivers, or similar claims.

To illustrate, let’s say that the at-fault rideshare driver has a history of drunk driving, reckless driving, or other moving traffic offenses. If you can prove that the rideshare company was aware of the driver’s history but still allowed them drive under the app, or if they didn’t run a proper background check prior to hiring the driver, you can use this as evidence to support your case.

It is also essential to note that rideshare companies provide insurance coverage for people injured by rideshare drivers who have active rides. If you qualify for rideshare company coverage, it can still be difficult to obtain a settlement. If you cannot, you might file a lawsuit against the company. Rideshare accident lawsuits are rarely easy to navigate, so it’s best to discuss your specific situation with a knowledgeable Morristown, NJ, rideshare accident lawyer.

Seek Legal Guidance From a Morristown, NJ, Rideshare Accident Lawyer Now

Traffic crashes and insurance laws are complex, and injured victims may have several options for pursuing compensation. When the complexities of rideshare drivers, companies, and their insurers are added, you will need an experienced Morristown, NJ, rideshare accident lawyer to guide you.

When you work with the Leonard Legal Group, we will use all our resources and knowledge to give you the best legal representation. Our Morristown, NJ, rideshare accident lawyers will review your case and help you understand all the options available to you, including negotiating with the rideshare driver’s insurance provider or taking your case to trial.

Scott Leonard is a board-certified civil trial attorney and has been handling car crash cases for over 25 years. To set up your free case consultation with our Morristown, NJ, rideshare lawyer, call 973-984-1414 or send us a message online.